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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:40    点击次数:190
2024年4月3日,武吉班让选区议员连荣华在国会上,向永续发展与环境部长傅海燕提问关于精细化管理“食物垃圾”相关问题。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理:连荣华(武吉班让选区)提问永续发展与环境部长(a)能否采取更多措施,进一步减少食物浪费的产生;(b)到目前为止,处理和回收食物垃圾的基础设施和生态系统是否高效。傅海燕(永续发展与环境部长兼主管贸易关系部长):食物浪费是《零垃圾总蓝图》三大首要废物流之一。我们已实施一系列措施,从整体上减少产生的食物浪费量并提高食物垃圾的回收率。首先,我们根据《资源可持续性法案》通过了法规,从2024年起,逐步要求大型商业和工业食物垃圾产生者,包括酒店、购物中心和食品制造商,将他们的食物垃圾分离出来进行处理或转换成有用的产品,并提交年度食物浪费报告。这些报告将有助于提高对产生的食物浪费量的认识,并鼓励建筑管理人员与其租户合作减少食物浪费。其次,我们正在提高食物垃圾处理能力。我们正在建造一个食物垃圾处理设施(FWTF),作为正在建设中的大士综合废物管理设施的一部分,该设施将作为所有者和经营者分离食物垃圾的场外处理选择。当FWTF运行时,产生的额外沼气将促进发电。第三,国家环境局与行业利益相关者合作,发布了食物浪费最小化指南,帮助行业在供应链各环节减少食物浪费。对于仍适合食用的未售出或多余的食物,消费者和餐饮场所可以将其捐赠给食品分配慈善组织,如新加坡食品银行、善粮社(FFTH)和愿之心(WH)。由于这些措施部分刚刚实施,目前评估其整体效率还为时过早。以下是英文质询内容:Mr Liang Eng Hwaasked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (a) whether more can be done to further reduce the amount of food waste generated; and (b) whether the infrastructure and ecosystem to treat and recycle food waste have been efficient so far.Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien: Food waste is one of the three priority waste streams under the Zero Waste Masterplan. We have implemented a range of efforts to holistically reduce the amount of food waste generated and improve the recycling rate for food waste.First, we have passed regulations under the Resource Sustainability Act to progressively require, from 2024, large commercial and industrial food waste generators, including hotels, shopping malls and food manufacturers, to segregate their food waste for treatment or conversion into useful products and to submit annual food waste reports. The reporting will help raise awareness on the amount of food waste generated and encourage building managers to work with their occupants to reduce food waste.Second, we are building up our food waste treatment capacity. A Food Waste Treatment Facility (FWTF) is being constructed as part of the upcoming Integrated Waste Management Facility at Tuas Nexus and will serve as an off-site treatment option for owners and operators of premises who segregate their food waste. When the FWTF is operational, the additional biogas produced will boost electricity generation.Third, in collaboration with industry stakeholders, the National Environment Agency has supported the development of the Singapore Standards on food waste management, as well as published food waste minimisation guidebooks to help the industry reduce food waste across the supply chain. Where there is unsold or excess food that is still suitable for consumption, consumers and food establishments can donate them to food distribution organisations, such as The Food Bank Singapore, Food from the Heart and Willing Hearts.As some of these measures have only been implemented recently, it is too soon to evaluate their overall efficiency.LJ丨编辑HQ丨编审新加坡国会丨来源免责声明:1.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“原创”的所有作品,版权属于看南洋和新加坡眼所有。其他媒体、网站或个人转载使用时必须注明:“文章来源:新加坡眼”。2.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“转载”、“编译”的所有作品,均转载或编译自其他媒体,目的在于传递更多有价值资讯,并不代表本公众号赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。精选视频新加坡眼旗下视频号你关注了吗?点击下面视频,查看更丰富的内容!直播等你来看,点击下方预约起来!上新加坡眼官网搜索更多关于新加坡的资讯